Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a treatment option for individuals with low levels of testosterone. TRT can help alleviate symptoms such as decreased energy, reduced muscle mass, and low sex drive. There are different types of TRT, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. Here are some of the different types of testosterone replacement therapy:
- Intramuscular injections: This is the most common type of TRT. Testosterone injections are given into the muscle, typically in the buttocks. The injections are usually given every two to four weeks. Intramuscular injections provide a quick and significant increase in testosterone levels, but they can also cause fluctuations in hormone levels and require frequent office visits.
- Transdermal patches: Testosterone patches are applied to the skin daily. The patches can be placed on the upper arm, thigh, or abdomen. They provide a steady release of testosterone, but can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.
- Topical gels: Testosterone gels are applied daily to the skin, typically on the shoulders or upper arms. They also provide a steady release of testosterone, but can be messy and may transfer to others through skin-to-skin contact.
- Buccal tablets: Testosterone buccal tablets are placed in the mouth against the gum and allowed to dissolve. They are taken twice a day and provide a sustained release of testosterone. However, they can cause irritation in the mouth and may not be well-tolerated by some individuals.
- Subcutaneous pellets: Testosterone pellets are inserted under the skin every few months, typically in the hip area. They provide a steady release of testosterone, but require a minor surgical procedure and can be expensive.
- Nasal gel: Testosterone nasal gel is applied daily to the inside of the nose. It provides a quick and easy application, but can cause nasal irritation and may not be well-absorbed in some individuals.
Choosing the right type of TRT depends on individual preferences and lifestyle factors. It is important to work with a healthcare provider to determine the best option for each individual’s needs.